Dubai, also known as, the City of Dreams, has always attracted business oriented people, but now they are attracting people for residence too! They are on their way to create a mini-universe of their own. The future is near.. Hahaha :)
Dubai in 2050
I remember, when I was in Dubai, in 1999 (not sure), an artisit designed a poster that had an envisioned image of Dubai in 2050. You can check it out below:
And me and my friends used to laugh at the poster, that it’s impossible for Dubai to look like that. But now.. I think that’s going to be possible in just another 10-15 years!
0-14 Tower
Dancing Towers
Those are pretty awesome.
Although it got a little TOO unrealistic with "the cloud" and "the davinci towers"
Some cool concepts though.
they ARE building the 'DaVinci Towers' so...i guess that kinda bunks your whole comment...
Can't wait until they go broke from not having anyone to buy their stupid petroleum. Give it 20 years and that place will look like a ghost town.
Once green tech replaces gasoline their economy will shut down faster than these ridiculously over opulent building are going up.
F@ck oil, F@ck Dubai
Your wrong however, the same man that built the World Islands, The Palm Islands, and the 7-Star Hotel is planning on expanding like this.. He has enough money without having to worry about the oil... and The things he has build already are covering for themselves, the type of money and economy you can built from this type of a an attraction is HUGE not to mention how many business people will want to have a few offices their, if they plan right they can have a exotic city metropolis going and its very possible.. So that bunks Number 1 and 3th's comments and as far as number two goes he really does not have much of a comment.
thats why theyre building everything, they know they are running out of oil, so theyre trying to make dubai into a tourist attraction, aka a new Las Vegas....only better, a lot better.
And who is supposed to visit Dubai in which way? No oil, no air travel. No air travel, no visit to Dubai. End of story. Certainly the world will change in the near future...
looks good to me.